
Return Policy and Printable Label

We know that not every purchase will fit & returns or exchanges are sometimes needed. Because of this, we offer no-hassle easy returns. Please read our return policy below and use our return form to proceed with a return.

  • ALL RETURNS ARE FOR STORE CREDIT ONLY. We sell out of items quickly therefore, if you would like to exchange your item for a different size, you will need to send your original item back to our Returns Department.
  • Once we have received your return you will then be issued a STORE CREDIT on your account (please login to your account or check your email) for the returned item in which you may use to purchase a new size. We cannot guarantee the item you would like will still be available when the return reaches our department.
  • Orders are eligible for return if they are received by TC Elli’s within 20 days of the original purchase date.

If you have a question regarding our return policy, feel free to call us (806) 809-4121 or e-mail us, [email protected].

In order for your items to be eligible for return they must meet the following requirements:

  • All items must be unworn, unwashed, and with the original tags attached.
  • Items must be received by TC Elli’s no later than 20 days from the original purchase date on your receipt. (During the holidays, from Black Friday through Christmas Eve, we will accept items until January 15th.)
  • All accessories and shoes are FINAL SALE
  • All discounted and/or sale items are FINAL SALE.  

If you do not meet all of the above criteria, please do not return your purchase.

Click Here for a Return Label